The Next Group Coaching Program Begins January 2020!

Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure

Reclaim Your Divine Connection & Live Your Best Life

Your Journey Begins

May 9th 2024

Ready to Discover the Hidden Mysteries of Life?

This Gnostic Adventure Reveals Powerful Techniques to Awaken Your Inner Power and Transform Your Relationships, Career, and Health!

Imagine accessing the Source of all creativity, intuition, peace, bliss, and love simply by utilizing the abilities you were born with — no matter what else is happening in your life or our unpredictable world.

This gnostic adventure will teach you powerful techniques to access esoteric mystical wisdom directly from your Divine Source and provide the tools to use this wisdom to enhance your relationships, career, and health.

You’ll leave this experience with a clear understanding of these mysteries, so much so that this one program will change your life forever. And it will be more fun than you could ever imagine as you become happier and your life more magical along the way.

  • Tap into a deeper understanding of nature, yourself, and the divine aspects of life that play an essential role in your personal evolution.
  • Gain clarity about your next steps as you learn new perspectives and explore unique aspects of yourself.
  • Attract the brightest opportunities into your life as you align with your higher levels of consciousness.
  • Experience wisdom, healing, and transformation as you reconnect with the divine world around you.
  • Receive unceasing guidance through your higher consciousness as you discover your sacred connection to Source.
  • Release limitations, revitalize your body, and awaken your inner power as you embrace your Authentic Self.
  • Enjoy more intimacy in your relationships as you learn to connect with people on a soul level.
  • Rest into the support, encouragement, and playfulness of authentic community with your fellow adventurers.

Jump in now to be your best self

More than a course…more than a program… this is an adventure in consciousness!


The places we will visit through meditation and what you will learn

Foyer Park

  • Ignite your imagination and discover the majestic world around you.
  • Identify and overcome limiting beliefs to claim the life you desire.
  • Learn the language of intuition to interpret the subtle messages from nature and the loving spirits who support you.
  • Communicate effortlessly with your deceased loved ones in spirit.

Infinity Coaster of Emotions

  • Embrace your emotions to ignite your true passion.
  • Learn to stay present to feel grace even during emotional distress.

The Crystal Canyon

  • Reunite with your Soul Energy.
  • Communicate soul to soul with the people in your life.
  • Access the wisdom of Master Teachers and spirit guides directly.
  • Step off the karmic cycle and free yourself to live your best life.

Vibrant New Earth

  • Unleash your creativity and discover the vibrant new experience you crave.
  • Discover true health as you break your cyclical patterns of dis-ease.
  • Learn the nuances of manifestation and enjoy the creative bliss of instant manifesting.

Oneness Horizon

  • Discover the fullness of your whole soul expression to support you through your daily decisions
  • Feel divine support as you rest into pure grace.
  • Experience the enchanting expansive silence of Oneness
  • Learn to steady yourself in your vortex of inner peace to support you during turbulent times.
  • Learn how to integrate the incredible high of spiritually awakened moments so that level of joy and wholeness becomes your baseline of experience.
  • Free yourself to create a new opportunity as you identify and release your attachment to the stories that define you.
  • Embrace a more profound and inspired life when you let go of struggle.

Partnership Peak

  • Discover a new formula for intimacy that enriches your relationships with your partner, children, friends, and even your boss.

Consciously Awesome comes with its immense team of higher dimensional guides. In these higher frequencies, you will be receiving twenty-four-hour support from our oneness team of multi-dimensional beings.

Jump in right now to be inspired

Meet Sheila, Your Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure Creator and Tour Guide

For over 25 years, Sheila Applegate has found that still quiet voice on behalf of thousands. Trusted by leaders and experts in every industry, Sheila offers her beautiful gift of therapeutic, intuitive coaching and advising as the answer to our unspoken wishes.

Just as her professional home is in a place of powerful intersections – coaching, guiding, healing, channeling, and teaching – her geographical roots are just as diverse and powerful.

Sheila lives in beautiful upstate New York, on the outskirts of the Onondaga Nation. With one foot in the world of modern needs and wants, and the other foot in a world of ancestral remembering, she recalls for all of us the unseen world and the laws of the past, and how they still shape our lives today.

We sometimes forget that this modern world requires a sacred path. We journey to the edge of a false world before we realize we can’t go any further without access to spiritual solutions. Amidst the diversion, strife, and complexity of our modern times, one would be fortunate to experience the antidote.

That antidote is Sheila.

Part healer, part seer, Sheila offers a style of life coaching and business coaching that appears to come to us directly from the gods. Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventures, her signature coaching program, is both mystical and pragmatic. The process would be elusive if Sheila couldn’t answer all your questions about the unseen order… but she can, and she’ll make it seem as simple as the law of gravity (because to her, it is).

For those who are already wise, joyous, and successful, Sheila provides unique counsel and guidance; she helps us get to the Big Dreams – to the version of destiny that still feels out of reach.
She is the quintessential divine resource, as compassionate as she is powerful, allowing all who cross her path to arrive into the fullest expression of their authentic selves in many different ways.



Participants of The Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure Receive


  • 12 Weekly adventures in both audio and written form so you can choose the format that works best for you.
  • You can download the course lessons to have lifetime access.

Live Coaching Sessions

  • 4 Personalized Conscious Meditation sessions to deepen your sacred communion.
  • 4 Live Community Coaching Gatherings to share your excitement with people who understand.
  • Video recordings of Community Gatherings to listen on your own time.
  • A private online group to communicate and celebrate with fellow adventurers throughout the program.
  • Complimentary alumni community for continued support and to develop friendships long after the Adventure is complete.
Private sessions are offered via phone or zoom, so it is easy for you to receive this personalized support whether you live in Washington DC or Timbuktu

Live Group sessions can be accessed via phone or internet so you can join in from wherever you are in this magical world we call earth.

Conscious Meditations

  • Over 20 Conscious Meditation audios for instant integration of higher frequencies.
  • You can download the lessons and Conscious Meditations to have lifetime access.

Jump in now to be your best self

What people love about adventuring with Sheila!

“How often in your life have you secretly, silently wished for help and guidance from something bigger, a connection to the mystery and potential you sense just under the surface of your life.

What would happen to you and your life if someone, a visionary perhaps, showed you that the connection you seek isn’t out there but deep inside of you, an eternal spark of light just waiting to expand into brilliance.

You might believe me because you sense the truth in that idea, that we are a part of something grander, brighter and more mysterious than we can begin to imagine. For me, that truth showed up one day in the form of a unique and gifted woman, Sheila Applegate.
Visionary, teacher, guide, Sheila has filled all of those roles in my life, helping me to imagine more for myself than I could have dreamt. I’ve studied with Sheila over many years and find myself able to learn, connect, absorb and level up again and again. Whether it’s a new creative endeavor or helping me to develop my intuition, Sheila has patiently encouraged me to understand how to strengthen my spiritual connections, tap into my creative passions and connect with the talents I wasn’t always able to recognize. As a Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure student, she taught me a way to explore new possibilities, practice my intuitive skills, attract more love, and bring it all into my Intuitive Reiki practice. My clients experience my joy, positivity, and clarity. My projects continue to move forward as I’ve overcome self-sabotaging fear and doubt, and I feel connected to a larger community of like-minded friends, both old and new.

Creating the life of your dreams is something we all aspire to and deserve. Working with Sheila has both challenged me and inspired me to do just that!”

Suzanne Cunningham

NC Reiki Master Teacher and aspiring author

“I was looking for some guidance in my life and I needed to be more clear on what it was I wanted out of life. I also knew the personal growth part of this would help my businesses, as well as my relationships with other people.

My goal for myself was to be more in tune with myself and my surroundings. It was like I needed to tap into my own personal power, and this program really helped me to recognize that.

The financial part was my only hesitation! But I knew and tried to practice the Law of Attraction and I literally got a check in the mail in the exact amount I needed! Ask for it and you will receive it!

I was able to quit my job just a few months after we concluded our program, I am now in a job that I love with great people. Most importantly I am self employed! A huge goal of mine since I joined the work force! LOL! I have also really started to grow my side business and it’s quickly becoming my #1 gig! I love what I do and I am sure a lot of it started with the great foundation that the Consciously Awesome program gave me.”


Hair Stylist and Network Marketing Professional

“As we search to find our place in the world amidst of uncertain times, there is a place where peace and love resides. The Consciously Awesome program teaches us how to let go of worry, become empowered to reach our unlimited potential and stand in a sphere of like-minded people – with community sharing, ancient wisdom teachings from the master teacher Sheila Applegate. This program helped provide clarity for my business, amplified my life’s work as a leader in the transformational space and helped clear old outdated beliefs to let in new ways of thinking. If you are looking to accelerate your business, find your life’s passion, and invite in new creative modes of being, then Consciously Awesome is for you!”
Laura Ponticello

I am an award winning and best selling author, founder of Divine Phoenix Books and author coach.

“The Consciously Awesome program has guided me to continue the practice of completing myself. This course has pushed me to levels I didn’t realize I could be pushed to. When you have the courage to turn around and really look at yourself… that’s amazing. Consciously Awesome provides all the tools to do that …. It’s up to you to use the tools.””
-Logan Sutt

US Vet

“My life has not only been enhanced but changed by the information and meditations in the Consciously Awesome program created by Sheila Applegate.

The Consciously Awesome program is well presented in a way that is layered and un-intimidating. There’s no judgment or need to understand all the material before moving forward to the next awareness or “topic.” You learn! You learn from what you are able to absorb, not only in the initial moment but also gradually over time. You may see your truth in the material immediately, or it may be like puzzle pieces, not making any sense separately, but as you start to piece them together, they form a big beautiful picture that will give you amazing insights and enlightenment.

If you’ve been wanting some extra tools in your tool belt to help you navigate this crazy thing called “life,” I strongly encourage your participation and presence in the Consciously Awesome program. It only gets better!”


Portland Oregon

“I was in a transitional period in my life and was looking for guidance and answers. This course helped me sift through the muddy waters of my mind and get a clearer picture.

I wanted to sharpen my manifesting skills, my meditation skills, and pretty much fine tune everything I’ve been studying about this kind of stuff for years.

I would say if you truly wanted a change in your life having the right knowledge and understanding in personal growth and knowing how to apply it in day to day life is priceless information. That is what you will get out of this course. Deep knowledge. Eye opening realizations. Real practical tools for positive change and for living to your fullest!”

–Susie Regulbuto

am self employed. I have a health and wellness business with Arbonne.

“I like how Consciously Awesome allows you to realize how much you can and should be an active participant in creating the life you want, and then gives you the tools to do just that. Weeding through old belief systems that no longer serve you, and really looking at where those belief systems came from in the first place can be life changing for people. The step by step guidance in small lessons makes the program manageable and fun. And being able to go back to the lessons and meditations over and over helps you discover all the different layers of the lessons. Each time I listen to them it’s like I’m hearing them for the first time and hear something new.”
-Heidi Baldwin

US Vet, I am self employed. I have a health and wellness business.

My experience in this program has been an expanding microcosm of the experience of this life. Through the guidance of the straightforward weekly lessons and meditations, personal challenges are met with relative ease and support, while the online forums with fellow participants help to make it even more fun and comfortable. The Consciously Awesome program is designed with such organization and inclusion that every person who participates will find exactly what they need along with a plethora of gifts to make the most valuable investment they can in their lives – themselves.
Johnny Ryan Savage

Writer, Teacher, Linguist, Massage Therapist, Level 3 Reiki Practitioner & Consciousness Cartographer

Jump in right now to be inspired

Commonly Asked Questions

What Does Gnostic Mean?

Gnostic describes something related to mysterious, intellectual, or spiritual knowledge. Consciously Awesome weaves all three of these aspects into one brilliant adventure of transformation.

How much of my time will this require?

You will receive weekly the adventures with written and audio options. Each unit also includes an audio meditation. Most weekly adventures are under an hour of reading or listening, and each also includes an audio meditation. You will have four one-hour individual sessions and four group gatherings scheduled within thirteen weeks of your start date, followed by two months of community support, including two group gatherings. All group gatherings are recorded for those who cannot attend live. We designed this program to integrate into your life easily. You can download the material to review throughout your life. You will receive a more profound understanding each time your review the material as the teachings are layered.

What if I can’t Meditate?

Many people who struggle to meditate find Conscious Meditation easy and effective. Conscious Meditation is a guided meditation technique, and you can follow along as if you are listening to a bedtime story. Some people meditate better while walking or washing dishes. We will work with you to help you discover what works best for you.

Is this just feel-good thinking that doesn’t work in real life?

Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure is divinely inspired and grounded in psychologically and scientifically proven processes. With a master’s degree in psychotherapy and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, Sheila anchors esoteric concepts with practical and proven methodologies.

When are the group and individual sessions?

You will schedule your personalized sessions with your Ambassador of Consciousness at times that work for both of you. We do our best to adjust Group Gatherings’ time to accommodate the Adventurers’ various time zones, and we record Group Sessions for those who cannot attend live.

I’ve never done anything like this. Will I be able to keep up?

One of the things we love about this Adventure is that it starts with the foundation and gently guides you through the journey. Using the adventure theme makes complex concepts seem natural…because they are. This is a journey of remembering what your soul already knows. Sometimes adventurers who are new to these concepts find it easiest to receive them.

These teachings are layered, and each time you read through them, you will receive new insights. And you have forever to explore the depth of your Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure. The Collectively Conscious Community will be here to support you along the way.

I know what to do; I just can’t seem to maintain it. Is this just one more course whose impact will fade away?

Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure lays a foundation for long-lasting transformation. Behavioral and brain experts say the first steps towards achieving goals and dreams are recognizing and releasing subconscious mental or emotional obstacles and opening your imagination to new possibilities. Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure begins with techniques to upgrade limiting beliefs, embrace your emotions, and unlock your imagination.

We recently learned that John Assaraf, author of NY Times Best Selling books Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power and Achieve Your Goals and Dreams, suggests it takes at least 100 days to change a new habit. The Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure supports you for 144 days, and the Collective Conscious Community will continue to support you for as long as you choose.

I’ve studied with the masters and read all the best books. Is there really anything new you can teach me?

There are many paths to connecting with the divine and remembering our connection to All That Is. Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure is imaginative, experiential, and fun. Our focus is on providing you the tools to connect and communicate with the higher vibrational aspects of yourself and others, allowing you to be guided directly by your inner divine wisdom. The adventure theme and conscious meditations free your imagination to guide you to your truth. For many people, Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure provides the missing nuggets that bring together all their previous wisdom.

Will there be people like me in the group?

There are common characteristics of people who join us on this adventure. They tend to be open-minded, open-hearted, loving, kind, and motivated. Many feel an inner calling to something more and are undergoing transitions on their path. Adventurers often desire change in the world and are more than eager for humanity to move to its next phase of being. In short, people who join us are ready for action, guided by both wisdom and love.

Will this conflict with my faith practice?

Consciously Awesome Gnostic Adventure is designed to support people of all religious and cultural backgrounds, including agnostics and atheists. We believe truth is truth in any form, and the adventure backdrop allows us to express esoteric concepts through inclusive and easily relatable language. Each participant can integrate the new ideas into their current practices.

What if I am not comfortable in groups?

We get it. Groups can often feel intimidating or surface, leaving us feeling more alone than when we are alone. This is your adventure, so you can participate in as much or little as you choose. We have noticed that many people who typically don’t like groups enjoy hanging with their fellow Consciously Awesome Adventurers. Spirit tends to guide people to this adventure at the perfect moment, and because of this, people often feel a soul connection to their adventure group. We will encourage and welcome you to participate with our community because we know how rich the experience can be… but you do you, and we will honor your choice.

I live across the ocean. Will the time difference make it difficult for me to attend?

Not at all. We welcome people from around the world. Your individual sessions will be scheduled according to your time zone. We do our best to adjust the time of Group Gatherings to accommodate the various time zones. And the online community is always open, so you can read and reply when convenient. Your weekly adventures will arrive through your email each Monday at 8 am your time.

Jump in now to be your best self

the Future is Yours

Never before has it been so crucial for conscious people to receive mentorship and become fully empowered to live out their dreams. Don’t lose hope in a world that teaches you that suffering is normal. Together, we learn a new way, and in doing so, we build a better world.

Your Adventure Begins May 9th 2024.

Register by May 7th, 2024 For only $3152!

(The Program is valued at $5257)

Payment Plan Is Available.


Get Started Today!

Make Four Payments of Just $788


Get Started Today!

Make One Payment of Just $3152

Do You Still Have Questions?

(Let’s Make Sure The Program Is Right For You)

Let’s grab a virtual cup of coffee.

Let’s schedule a free private exploratory session to make sure the Consciously Awesome program is a great fit for you. Have a chat with me in a 30-minute Discovery session. Ask questions and share your hesitations, and get a few tips to enhance your life on the spot. So, when you say yes to joining us on this Awesome Adventure, we both know for certain it is an exuberant YES!

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